79.1% of Voters: Rents Are Very High

The movement of fresh university students to different cities increases the price of apartments temporarily every year. However, this year was different for the students and also home seekers. The endless increase of inflation since the end of 2019 pressures consumers already. Moreover, the current recession in the construction business is a barrier to increasing the number of apartments in Turkey, especially in big cities. High inflation and limited supply provoke homeowners to increase the rents to make a better living. However, the pressure on tenants is at the top now.

Turkey Monitor asked the opinion of voters on the rents. 96,5% of voters think that rents are very high or high while only 0,1% of them think that they are very low.

Önceki 72.4% Voters: Turkey Should Withdraw from Afghanistan
Sonraki Aksoy Research Founder Ertan Aksoy is the Guest of Halk TV

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